Thursday, January 26, 2017

Ms. Mikki’s Classroom News
January 26th

This week:  This week we read and re-read the story The Mitten by Jan Brett.  On the first day we used picture cues in the story to predict which animal would try to squeeze into the mitten next.  We also learned some new vocabulary words from the story and compared them to the words we already know:

Glinty talons (claws)
Diggers (paws and claws)
Kickers (rabbit's foot)

The second time we read the story, we again used the visual cues to predict and recall the events in the story.  Each student also shared what they wanted to fit in their mitten.  

Vocabulary:  Shapes words:  Circle, triangle, square, rectangle, oval.
Literacy:  We continue to work on recognizing and naming the letters in our name.  We also learned a new song to help us learn our letters and the sounds they make.  You can follow this link to view the song.

Shapes:  Keep working on those shapes at home.  This week we went on a shape hunt around the classroom.  During small group, we sorted shapes and worked on naming the shapes.  We all get a little hung up on rectangle and most are still confusing it with the square.  I remind them that a rectangle has two longs sides and two short sides.

Other News:

The Ronald McDonald Tooth Truck is planning to be at Clever Schools on March 8th-10th, 2017.  The scheduled dates for service is dependent on the number of returned eligible applications.  The requirements for being seen and treated on the Tooth Truck are:

-Qualify for the free and reduced lunch program at school
-Cannot be an established patient of a local dentist
-Cannot have a private dental insurance
-Must complete a Tooth Truck application form.

The Tooth Truck treats Medicaid-eligible and uninsured children at no charge for qualifying families.  Children seen last year are not eligible for a routine check-up but should apply if there is a new dental concern.  Please complete an application form and return to the school nurse as soon as possible.  An application is available upon request.

The Cox Care Mobile is scheduled to be at Clever Schools on February 16, 2017.  The Care Mobile is a medical office on wheels that provides FREE services, whether you have insurance or not, for children birth to 18 years.  You may call the school nurse to inquire about the services provided, to schedule an appointment, and to receive the necessary paperwork.  Thank you!

Our next playgroup which will be held on Friday, February 3rd at 10:00 will be held at Itty Bitty City in Springfield! You will need to arrive at 10:00 sharp to be included in our discount price! We will be there from 10:00-12:00 and the cost per child will be $6.00! No adult fee charged to parents! :) Children under one year are free.
There is NO PRESCHOOL that day which means our preschool friends can join us! Here's the catch----we must have at least ten paying children to get this rate. You will need to respond to this post if you plan to attend. You will also need to tell us how many PAYING children you will be bringing.
If you have questions about location, check out their Facebook page. Also, you will need to fill out their waver and have it with you upon arrival. If you are unable to do that, arrive 15 minutes early to do it there. Tag other FB PAT moms/dads when you read this! Have to work? Ask grandma, grandpa, aunts, uncles or a friend to bring your child. Let's see if we can make it to ten quickly!

Upcoming Dates:

February 1st:  Preschool applications for next year due
February 3rd:  PAT Playgroup at Itty Bitty City 10-12:00.  $6.00 per child
February 6th:  PAT Sweetheart Dance  6:00-7:00
February 9th:  Cox Care Mobile
February 13th:  M/W Class Valentine’s Day Party:  10:00 (more details to follow)
February 14th:  T/TH Class Valentine’s Day  Party:  10:00 (more details to follow)
February 20th:  No School-  President’s Day

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